Highway to Heaven. A Spiritual Journey Through the Life Of Blessed Carlo Acoutis
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HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN: A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY THROUGH THE LIFE OF BLESSED CARLO ACUTIS: “By their life and mission, they imitate Christ in his prayer on the mountain, bear a witness to God’s lordship over history and anticipate the glory which is to come. In solitude and silence, by listening to the word of God, participating in divine worship, personalasceticism, prayer, mortification and the communion of fraternal love, they direct the whole of their lives and all their activities to the contemplation of God.” (Vita Consecrata.8)The spirit of the Lord abides with all of us. This spirit filled saints are Miraculous Phenomenon of the world! They through their life of holiness, write a glorious history of ideal and beautiful spirituality. The descent of the Holy Spirit made our saints to be the owner of a life of graces, gifts, charisms and fruits.This book speaks the meteoric life of a child who was a contemporary of our time. In spite of his short lifetime, Carlo Acutis has given, throughout his living, flesh and soul to the figure of the Apostle of God as a perfect pattern to be imitated in order to evidence how fellow creatures must be loved. Saints are Christ’s best gift to the Church and Church’s best gift to the world. God calls everyone tobe a saint. Sanctity is the real wealth of the Catholic Church. Today holiness is possible and the Church 18 Highway to Heaven needs holy people and our foremost objective is to be saints.Carlo Acutis was born in London on May 3, 1991and was baptized on May 18 in Our Lady of Dolours church. He is considered to be a genius among those who lived in the 21st century. He was capable enough to use computer and internet as a tool for infusing devotion to the modern generation. He utilized each moment to spread devotion to Jesus and also he tried to live as much holy as he could. He died on 12 October2006 due to leukaemia. His life challenges us to live a virtuous Life in this media holic period. I try to bring before you the spiritual journey which he made during his life on earth. Hope his life may help you to live a saintly life. I pray that all of us may be reunited in paradise with Carlo to praise our eternal Master. Specially thanking Acutis family for accepting me as a brother to Carlo Acutis. I feel it is God’s special grace for me to be added among the holy family of Acutis. I pray and hope that this spiritual journey through the life of Carlo may inspire all of you to follow the footsteps of our Lord to be perfect as the heavenly Father. A brief study of his spiritual journey will move and inspire you to a deeper understanding of what it means to live and die for the love of God. Ephrem Kunnappally