On The Valiant Woman by the Venerable Bede
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This classic early medieval commentary on Proverbs 31:10-31 is both a Bible study and a call to action in our everyday lives. If Christ is the Bridegroom and the Church is His Bride, what can we learn about her from the Valiant Woman, the ideal businesswoman, household manager, and wife? As part of Christ and His Church, how do we take the initiative is using our talents for other people's good? Born only a few generations after England's conversion to Christianity but known as the greatest Bible scholar of his day, the Venerable Bede writes with great feeling for the interweavings of the Old and New Testament. He also knows and quotes texts from the Fathers. However, his focus is always on teaching the ordinary Christian reader. This is the first ever English translation of "De muliere forti." It is also found as the final section of In Proverbia Salomonis, Bede's commentary on the entire Book of Proverbs, which has never been translated into English. Includes footnotes, Bible citations index, and bibliography.