Letter & Spirit Vol. I -  Reading Salvation: Word, Worship and the Mysteries

Letter & Spirit Vol. I - Reading Salvation: Word, Worship and the Mysteries

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Letter & Spirit Vol. 1: Reading Salvation: Word, Worship, and the Mysteries makes accessible to clergy, students, and laity the finest Catholic biblical scholarship.

This volume includes:


  • "Allegory and the Interpretation of the Old Testament in the 21st Century" by Robert Louis Wilken
  • "The Sacrifice of Isaac in Genesis and Hebrews: A Study in the Hermeneutic of Faith" by James Swetnam, S.J.
  • "The 'Ransom for Many, ' the New Exodus, and the End of the Exile: Redemption as the Restoration of All Israel (Mark 10:35-45)" by Brant Pitre
  • "Memorial and Typology in Jewish and Christian Liturgy" by Sofia Cavalletti


  • "Rediscovering St. Thomas Aquinas as Biblical Theologian" by Christopher T. Baglow
  • "The Spiritual Sense in De Lubac' s Hermeneutics of Tradition" by Marcellino D' Ambrosio

Tradition & Traditions:

  • "To the New Student of Sacred Scripture" by Hugh of St. Victor
  • "The Sacrament of Sacred Scripture" by F.X. Durrwell, C.Ss.R.
  • "Vatican II and the Truth of Sacred Scripture" by Augustin Cardinal Bea S.J