Everybody Reveals God Level 6 book 1 TOBET Series

Everybody Reveals God Level 6 book 1 TOBET Series

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The body reveals the nature of God as an eternal communion of giving and receiving.

This book teaches how the human body reveals the greatest mystery of the universe: the divine communion of the Holy Trinity. This book shows how the body reveals the giving and receiving that creates the circle of love. When sin breaks the circle, the body also reveals how love may be restored. Using Scripture and the human body, students explore the depths of the truth: God is love.


The Theology of the Body is a positive, beautiful approach to the truth of the body and its meaning. In a culture where the body is considered “an enemy to freedom,” Saint John Paul’s Theology of the Body is necessary more than ever. The Body Matters lesson books series teaches the truths about the body in an accessible, age-appropriate way. It is a great resource for parents, Faith Formation programs and Catholic schools to help children see the sacredness of the body. Here you can find Saint John Paul’s teachings on the body rendered in language accessible to children, with beautiful illustrations, practical examples and solid Catholic theology.