“The Second Vatican Council Documents, to which we must return, freeing them from a mass of publications which instead of making them known have often concealed them, are a compass in our time too that permits the Barque of the Church to put out into the deep in the midst of storms or on calm and peaceful waves, to sail safely and to reach her destination." — Pope Benedict XVI
One of the most influential religious and cultural events of the twentieth century was the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), a meeting of Catholic bishops from all over the world. Catholics have been discussing its specific meaning and application for the past sixty years, despite the fact that almost everyone admits its significance. Some "radical traditionalists" believe that Vatican II was a betrayal of real Catholicism and that it had terrible effects on the Church's existence, while others "progressives" saw the council documents as a first step towards more major changes in the Church's doctrine and practice.
Not enough Catholics have read or thoroughly understood its texts, despite the ongoing dispute. Word on Fire's revolutionary Vatican II Collection continues to tackle this issue in its second edition.
The twelve pronouncements and decrees issued by the council are collected in this handsome hardcover collection. Here you will read the Church's official position on a variety of topics, including but not limited to: public schools, religious liberty, spreading the gospel, and more. They may be briefer and less well-known than the four main constitutions, but they are crucial in conveying the spirit of Vatican II nonetheless.
To help readers comprehend how the Church authoritatively interprets certain texts, the postconciliar popes and Bishop Robert Barron offer commentary in this second book of Declarations and Decrees. Key vocabulary, figures, and answers to frequently asked issues are listed in the book's useful appendices. The book also features a foreword by Bishop Barron and an afterword by theologian Matthew Levering. The works collected in The Word on Fire Vatican II Collection are an engaging and informative look at the real background behind the Second Vatican Council, as well as a persuasive argument for a renewed interest in its texts in the modern world.
Forward by Bishop Robert Barron
Editor: Matthew Levering
504 Pages
Dimensions: 6 x 9"